α-Amylase Activity Assay, Catalog: MA-0138


100 wells, Colorimetric, OD 405 nm

MA 0138 A Amylase Activity Assay DS
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MA 0138 SDS
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Catalog MA-0138

Size 100 wells

Sample Type Cell Lysate, Tissue Extracts, Urine, Serum, Other biological fluids

Species All

Method of Detection Colorimetric, OD 405 nm

Assay Type Quantitative

Application  A plate based colorimetric assay to measure the enzymatic activity of α-amylase in samples.

Sensitivity <1 mU

Storage Conditions -20°C

Shipping Temperature Gel Pack

Shelf Life One year from the date of delivery


Amylases hydrolyze starch and glycogen into maltose and oligosaccharides. α-Amylase is the major form of amylase that is found in humans. It is a calcium metallo-enzyme and is found in various tissues and body fluids including saliva, pancreatic juice, and blood. Its activity is commonly measured to assess the digestive function and diagnose various pathological conditions such as salivary gland trauma or inflammation, mumps, pancreatitis and renal failure. AkrivisBio’s α-Amylase Activity Assay is a simple, sensitive means of measuring amylase activity in various sample types. In the assay, amylase cleaves the artificial substrate, ethylidene-pNP-G7 to small oligosaccharides. The oligosaccharides are subsequently hydrolyzed by α-glucosidase to releasnitrophenol, which is measured at absorbance 405 nm. The kit can detect amylase activity at levels below 1 mU.